Frequently Asked Questions
Have another question or possible feedback/suggestions?
Reach out on GiHub!
What are some key features of this Next.js + Sanity starter template?
- Modern Frontend Development with Next.js (App Router, RSC, Typescript) and Tailwind CSS.
- Pre-configured Sanity schema for rapid content structuring.
- Pre-built frontend components for rapid website development.
- Visual editing in Presentation mode in the Sanity Studio.
- Auto-generated Table of Contents component based on headings.
- Auto-generated sitemap.xml and blog rss.xml.
What does the Sanity Studio look like?
Checkout some screenshots of the Studio here.
What do I do if I get a Vercel/Netlify deploy error?
Make sure to set the Root Directory (Vercel) / Project Directory (Netlify) to next
In your Sanity Studio, make sure to have a new "Page" document with the slug index
in order to establish a Homepage for your site, as mentioned in the Docs.
How can I support?
You can:
- Purchase SanityPress themes!
- report any issues on GitHub
- submit any pull requests if you have any contributions to the starter template
- buy me a coffee or sponsor on GitHub
Helpful Articles
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